One thing that I found very bizarre is the disharmony between the professional graduates and their intake in the industry. For instance, as per many quoted studies only 25% of the management and engineering graduates are suitable for industry purposes. The rest 75% of graduate population is not suitable for industry oriented jobs and assignments.
This shows how much India needs to ensure skill development and providing suitable training to the academic and professional students before they join the mainstream industry and business houses.
Another unique aspect of the present competitive society is that professionals are no more simply graduates in a single stream. They are now required to be well versed in multiple disciplines. An engineering student must be aware of the legal or management concepts. Similarly, legal professionals must be aware of computer science and technology related acumen. In short, professional education has now become multi disciplinary in nature.
Education and training is also no more a single phase exercise. It has become a continuing learning and lifelong learning experience. Professionals are required to upgrade their skills and expertise from time to time as new concepts and technologies are introduced at a regular basis.
I have been analysing and giving suggestions in this regard for long. At our institutional level, we decided to implement a methodology that caters the requirement of both legal and technical aspects of education in India. One of our techno legal segments Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) provides basic level techno legal education and training in fields like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, etc. The other segment known as Perry4Law Techno Legal ICT Training Centre (PTLITC) provides similar trainings and education but of higher level and domain specific in nature.
Technical education and legal education in India needs a techno legal orientation and there is an urgent need to ensure techno legal skill development in India. A simple academic education is not enough to meet the challenging and dynamic requirements of local as well as global industry.
In this regard, we are looking forward for education and training collaborations and partnerships. Interested organisations or individuals may contact us with their proposals.