India has one of the largest populations of young people. A dominant majority of these young people are unemployed and outside the stream of economic development of India. Another cause of concern is the poor quality of education system of India. Due to the faulty educational system of India most of the professional graduates cannot be absorbed into jobs of big companies and industrial houses. Skill Development in India, is therefore, need of the hour.
Further, Technical Education and Skill Development in India are also directly related. Although we have many educational and technical education institutions in India yet they are unable to produce qualitative manpower. At the end of the academic session, these professional graduates find themselves nowhere.
Here comes the importance of Skill Development Initiatives that India must undertake immediately. Online Education and E-Learning can play a major role in providing qualitative and multi disciplinary education and training to even the remotest areas of India.
At Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) we provide a good combination of technical and legal Trainings, Coaching, Research and Education. In fact, PTLB is the exclusive Online Techno Legal Skill Development Initiative of India. Its Online Platform is providing diverse range of Techno Legal Education, Training, Research and Coaching in fields like Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Forensics, Digital Evidencing, E-Discovery, E-Courts, E-Governance, Police Trainings, Lawyers Trainings, Judges Trainings, etc.
In short, at PTLB we provide the Best Online Techno Legal Skill Development Trainings. Skill development is a highly specialised field and it requires domain specific expertise. This is the reason why it is best done through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model. PTLB is looking forward for Partners, Associates, Collaborators, Consortiums, etc in this regard. Interested Persons, Institutions or Organisations may contact us with their proposals in this regard with clear terms and conditions.