In these circumstances, cloud computing is not a viable option for India as cloud computing is based upon essentials like privacy protection, data protection and data security and India has none. As a matter of fact, we have no cloud computing policy in India except the one suggested by Perry4Law, the exclusive techno legal ICT law firm of India.
According to Geeta Dalal, Partner at Perry4Law and a techno legal specialist, “There is no cyber security in India and even cyber security policy of India is missing. There is no privacy law in India. There is no data protection law in India. And there is no data security law in and cyber security law in India. In short, there is no legal framework for cloud computing in India at all. With these negative developments India should not use software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing for crucial governmental services”.
This viewpoint has now got the support of corporate house like Infosys and industrial body like CII. Infosys, which is sharpening focus on tapping “cloud computing”, today said India needed a policy framework for the new service that enables companies to share IT infrastructure and cut costs. It opined that some of the issues like data privacy and security should be addressed properly, which is possible only with a regulatory framework.
Regulatory framework would give confidence that the service providers will provide the service securely and reliably. We need a regulatory framework in place also to ensure data privacy.
Perry4Law is in the process of providing techno legal inputs regarding privacy, data security and data protection laws to the Indian government very soon. Let us hope the suggestions of Perry4Law would be accepted for better cloud computing environment in India.