The European Commission launched the Europe 2020 Strategy in March 2010 to strengthen the EU economy for the ICT challenges of the next decade. The Digital Agenda for Europe is one of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, informs Praveen Dalal, managing partner of New Delhi based IP and ICT law firm Perry4Law and leading techno legal expert of India.
ICT has to play a key role if Europe wants to succeed in its ambitions Europe 2020 Strategy. Issues like E-Governance, E-Commerce, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and E-Courts, Technological issues of IPRs, etc must also be discussed in this or subsequent meetings, suggests Dalal.
It is also expected that issues like copyright, piracy, broadcasting rights, digital contents, cross-border distribution of audiovisual contents, etc may also be discussed. As per the recent studies, losses caused by counterfeiting and piracy could reduce the EU GDP by €8 billion annually.
The issues that would be discussed at this meeting are very important and the outcome of the same would definitely be productive for European countries.