The session is covering many far reaching issues pertaining to copyright and related rights. For instance, issues like protection of audiovisual performances, protection of broadcasting organisations, copyright limitations and exceptions for the visually impaired persons and other persons with print disabilities, exceptions and limitations for the persons with disabilities, educational and research institutions, libraries and archives, etc would be discussed at the present session. This session would also prepare the background drafts for various international treaties on the abovementioned issues.
This is a landmark Session for the WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, says Praveen Dalal, managing partner of New Delhi based IP and ICT law firm Perry4Law and a Neutral at WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre dealing with highly specialised technology related dispute resolutions.
The Copyright Laws around the World must be more “Receptive and Liberal” towards the demands and requirements of differently abled people, suggests Dalal. By considering suggestions of “Fair Use Exceptions” in favour of differently abled people, WIPO is moving in the right direction and Perry4Law welcomes this initiative of WIPO.
The talks are in the initial stage and once the session is over WIPO may come out with the summary of the same.