However, homeland security of India needs urgent rejuvenation as the same is not up to the mark. Experts have even suggested for the establishment of a centralised ICT control system in India for this purpose.
Homeland Security is in infancy stage in India, says Praveen Dalal, Managing Partner of Perry4Law and leading techno legal expert of India. Further, India also needs a separate Framework for Cyber Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and Homeland Security issues, suggest Praveen Dalal.
Homeland security is also an important aspect of India’s cyber security. India is increasingly facing issues like cyber crimes, cyber terrorism, cyber security breaches, cyber warfare, cyber espionage, etc. This is the main reason why we are considering establishment of cyber warfare capabilities in India.
Further, another area that has been ignored by India pertains to lawful interception law in India. India presently has no lawful interception law and enacting a constitutionally sound law in this regard is the need of the hour.
Lawful e-surveillance capabilities have also assumed importance in India these days due to growing concerns of civil liberties protection in cyberspace. If the e-surveillance conducted by the Indian government and its agencies is beyond what is approved by the laws of India and Indian Constitution, the same may be challenged before a court of law.
Homeland security is a very tricky issue and Indian government must keep in mind all the aspects pertaining to the same. It must also maintain a delicate balance between civil liberties and national security requirements in India. Giving primacy to one over another without any balancing exercise would be counter productive for India, says Praveen Dalal.
Although homeland security issues have already been discussed in India yet they need a direction and policy support. Indian government must work in the direction of formulating a homeland security policy of India.