Why this step has been taken is still not known. Even at Google’s Help Forum this question has been put for further discussion and diagnosis of the problem. But even at the Forum the possibility of Blogspot being Blocked/Censored has not been ruled out.
Under the Indian Cyber Law, incorporated in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act, 2000) unlimited and unregulated Internet Censorship and Website Blocking powers have been given to Indian Government and its Agencies.
If this is a case of Internet Censorship or Website Blocking, Indian Government succeeded in achieving what it was desperately looking for. The Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008 was instrumental in conferring these Unconstitutional and Illegal powers upon Indian Government and its agencies.
We would keep on our reader posted about this issue. In case, you also face similar problems or you wish to share your views with us, contact us with your suggestions and inputs.