India has no constitutionally sound lawful interception law and phone tapping law. India is still using the colonial laws that were considered to be draconian by India itself. In fact, these laws for phone tapping and e-surveillance are going expressly against the mandates of Indian Constitution.
Surprisingly, neither the Supreme Court of India nor the Parliament of India thought it fit to remedy the situation. Although Supreme Court acknowledged that technology has threatened the privacy rights of Indians yet it has not done more in this regard.
Indian citizens need to use proactive self defence to safeguard their cyberspace dealings from cyber intrusions committed by cyber criminals and government and its agencies. The use of self defence and deterrence in Indian cyberspace is absolutely required since India lacks laws to protect civil liberties in cyberspace. Even the United Nations (UN) has failed to take notice of this serious situation existing in India and world wide.
Instead of enacting suitable laws to protect civil liberty of Indians in cyberspace, Indian Parliament has imposed the information technology amendment act, 2008 (IT Act 2008) upon Indians. This made the sole cyber law of India an instrumentality of e-surveillance in the hand of Indian government and its agencies.
Human Rights in Cyberspace are outlawed in India, says Praveen Dalal, managing partner of New Delhi based ICT law firm Perry4Law and leading techno legal expert of India. In fact, the IT Act, 2008 has made the sole Cyber Law of India susceptible to the attacks of “Unconstitutionality” as it is now openly and blatantly violating various Fundamental Rights as incorporated in the Constitution of India, informs Dalal.
It is high time to scrap projects like Aadhar and repeal the cyber law of India. In the absence of the same, nothing is better than using self defence against Indian government and its agencies.