India has been a victim of cyber espionage on many occasions where crackers operating in foreign jurisdictions regularly attack Indian computers and have successfully taken out sensitive information. International community is stressing upon enhancement of their cyber security capabilities unlike India.
As a result of this apathy, India is facing serious cyber threats. With the growing cyber threats against India like cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, cyber espionage, etc, it is very much required to have good national cyber security policy of India.
Homeland Security of India must be strengthened and in order to do so we must take care of issues like Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Espionage, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Warfare, etc, informs Praveen Dalal, managing partner of New Delhi based law firm Perry4Law and CEO of the exclusive techno legal cyber security research, training and educational centre of India.
Cyber espionage is not only committed for commercial benefits but it may also be motivated by patriotic feelings resulting in cyber assaults on businesses and other governmental computer systems.
Cyber Espionage may be committed by an insider or an outsider with the help of Internet and computer. The problem is that Cyber Espionage is inexpensive and relatively easy to commit and it is also difficult to prove with absolute certainty, says Dalal. Having an effective Cyber Security Mechanism at place can help in prevention of majority of Cyber Espionage issues, but there is no full proof method of preventing Cyber Espionage, claims Dalal. With adequate resources and time, a Cracker can penetrate and exploit the intended target, says Dalal.
Cyber Security in India has not received much attention of Indian government and there is not even a Cyber Security Policy of India. In fact India is vulnerable to cyber espionage, cyber crimes, cyber terrorism and many similar cyber threats. India is not serious at all regarding digital issues and others are taking advantage of this political will vacuum.