CAT has been established under the information technology act, 2000 (IT Act, 2000) that is the sole cyber law of India. It is working under the aegis of Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA).
However, the red tape policy of Indian government has not allowed it to be an effective cyber crimes redressal forum. CAT cannot effectively serve its purpose till we make it functional in every aspect. The manpower need training, the government needs to be serious, law enforcement must be aware about cyber crimes, etc.
Indian Government must pay more attention to CAT that has a very important role to perform, says Praveen Dalal, a Supreme Court Lawyer and leading Techno Legal and Cyber Law Expert of India. CAT is managing the “Apex Adjudicatory Function” under the IT Act, 2000 yet not much people and organisations are aware about it, says Dalal.
The problem is that our IT Act, 2000 is a piecemeal legislation that is trying to cover many aspects without much success. It would be better if we make a “Comprehensive Legislation” on each aspects covered under the IT Act, 2000 suggests Dalal.
In the absence of appropriate action on the part of ministry of communication and information technology (MCIT), it is the duty of prime minister’s office (PMO) to intervene and take appropriate steps towards making Indian cyber laws more effective and strong. Even CAT needs PMO’s immediate and urgent attention so that it can perform the crucial functions entrusted to it.