Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Perry4Law Sets Trend For Cyber Forensics And Cyber Security Legal Practice Worldwide

Few years back no law firm was wiling to touch areas like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, e-discovery, etc. This was more so in India where intellectual property rights (IPRs) was considered to be the latest field of legal practices. In the year 2002, Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) came into picture and that changed the entire scenario of legal practice not only in India but also at global level.

P4LO has a very unique and clear vision about techno legal issues and their national and international legal interpretations. Numerous national and international stakeholders have found their dedicated techno legal resources and services very useful. These include online resources on Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Forensics, E-Discovery, Telecom Laws,  Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), Corporate Laws, etc. This list of legal fields is just indicative as there are many more techno legal areas where Perry4Law Law Firm and P4LO are providing their techno legal services.

Besides the domain specific and unique techno legal expertise, Perry4law Law Firm and P4LO are also distinct then other law firms in the sense that they take Civil Liberties issues like Privacy, Data Protection and data security very seriously. This is also need of the hour as cyber security obligations of laws firms are increasing world over. Nevertheless, cyber security legal practice in India is still maturing with Perry4Law Law Firm dominating the field.

No Client would be happy if its/his/her confidential and sensitive documents are obtained through cracking/hacking the Law Firm Website or Database, opines Praveen Dalal, managing partner of Perry4Law Law Firm and P4LO and leading techno legal expert of Asia. Perry4Law Law Firm uses the “Best Cyber Security Practices” recommended by International Organisations, informs Dalal.

Clearly P4LO and Perry4Law Law Firm are class apart and world leaders in techno legal services. Other Law Firms of India must also replicate this model of P4LO and start thinking in the direction of providing techno legal services.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Cyber Security Trends In India 2015 By CECSRDI

Cyber security is a complex field that requires domain specific expertise. As on date we cannot say with certainty that any particular country is fully cyber secure. Different countries have different level of cyber preparedness but India is lagging far behind in cyber security fields.

The cyber security trends and developments of India 2013 (PDF) and Cyber Security Trends and Developments in India 2014 have categorically proved that India is way behind in cyber security field than its western counterparts. Similarly, the cyber law developments in India 2014 are also not very promising.

If we keep in mind the cyber security trends in India 2015 released by CECSRDI, there are many complicated cyber security challenges that are waiting for India in the year 2015. Some of the areas of concern pointed out by CECSRDI are international legal aspects of cyber security, state sponsored cyber attacks, increasing use of malware, cyber espionage, cloud computing adoption in India, mobile security and mobile governance issues, critical infrastructure protection requirements in India, etc.

India has lax and outdated cyber law and there is no dedicated cyber security law in India as on date. In the past Indian government expressed its desire to enact cyber security breach disclosure norms but lack of political will resulted in lapse of that idea.

In short, the cyber security preparedness of India is not up to the mark. On top of it Indian government announced technology driven projects like Digital India and Internet of Things (IoT) (PDF) that also without any cyber crisis management plan of India and establishment of offensive and defensive cyber security capabilities.

It is also expected that malware like Stuxnet, Duqu, Flame, etc would be used more aggressively in the year 2015. These malware are not only stealth but they are also too sophisticated to be detected by India. Let us hope that Indian government would consider cyber security as a top priority area in the year 2015.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Telecom Trends In India 2014

Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) is on the forefront of providing various techno legal trends of India since 2006. The latest to add to this list are Cyber Security Trends and Developments in India 2014 and Telecom Related Trends and Development in India 2014. The cyber security trends of India 2014 have also been covered here1 and here2.

In this work, Perry4Law’s Techno Legal Base (PTLB) is providing the summary of the telecom trends of India 2014. The telecom trend of India in the year 2014 witnessed a combination of progressive and regressive steps being taken by Indian Government.

On the progressive side the Telecom Commission of India has allowed satellite based mobile services in India in the year 2014. On the regressive side, the Indian Government has failed to protect civil liberties in cyberspace once again. In fact, telecom operator Vodafone revealed use of secret wires for government e-surveillance and eavesdropping worldwide, including in India.

Indian Department of Telecommunications (DoT) promised to investigate govt snooping allegations of Vodafone but it failed to do so till the end of December 2014. The dangerous central monitoring system (CMS) of India was also activated without any legal framework and Parliamentary oversight.

Similarly, the redundant and outdated telecom related laws remained on the statue book in the year2014. For instance, the telegraph and cyber law of India remained outdated, colonial and draconian in the year 2014. Similarly, encryption related dedicated laws in India are also missing till the end of December 2014.

Further, new lawmaking was also missing in the year 2014. For instance, there is no dedicated laws regarding cell phones and their dealings in India and the same continued till the end of December 2014 as well. In particular, the cell site data location laws in India and privacy issues are still not redressed by Indian Government so far.

India is also one of the countries where phone tapping is possible without any court order/warrant. This is a serious civil liberty violation that continued in the year 2014. A lawful and constitutional interception law in India is urgently needed. Privacy rights in India in the information era (PDF) have still not been recognised by Indian Government.

Overall, the telecom trends of India in the year 2014 were far from satisfactory. Rather they were on the negative side of development that must be taken care of by Indian Government in the year 2015.

Source: Telecom Blog.