As far as India is concerned, the awareness of cyber law among judges, lawyers and law firms is still at infancy stage. In this situation Perry4Law, the exclusive techno legal ICT and IP firm of India and world wide has emerged as a good tend setter.
While other law firms across the globe are struggling to deal with even the basics of cyber law, Perry4Law has emerged as a global leader in the techno legal field. It has crossed the frontiers of cyber law to areas like cyber forensics, cyber security, ICT and telecom policy, etc.
Further, Perry4Law also maintains a blog on international ICT policies and strategies that no other law firm of the world is maintaining. The blog carries good and qualitative discourses upon techno legal issues like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, data protection, lawful interception, privacy protection, data security, intelligence gathering, e-governance, phone tapping, e-courts, etc.
It seems law firms are realizing the potential of technological fields and firms like Perry4Law are not only leading the race but are also paving path for other firms to follow.
If this is not enough, the leading techno legal segment of Perry4Law known as Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) is providing world class techno legal trainings in fields like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, etc.
Clearly, Perry4Law and PTLB have crossed the frontiers that are even difficult for technology firms to achieve. Let us see how the journey of Perry4Law and PTLB goes from here.